W wielkim skrócie głównie dlatego, że rośliny GMO mają wbudowane geny, które czynią je albo toksycznymi, albo odpornymi na działanie toksycznych herbicydów, takich jak roundoup / glyphosate. Dlatego rośliny GMO są zlewane dużymi ilościami tych herbicydów, często tuż przed zbiorami. Okazuje się, że glyphosate zanieczyścił już wiele zbiorów roślin np. w UE. Substancja ta rozbija DNA i uszkadza prawie wszystkie procesy biochemiczne zachodzące w organizmie, powodując wady rozwojowe, choroby degeneracyjne, nowotworowe etc. Trudno sobie wyobrazić bardziej skuteczną, podstępną, ponad generacyjną broń biologiczną niż produkty GMO. Dlatego, jeśli ludzkość chce przetrwać musi aktywnie włączyć się do walki z kartelami GMO.
Sytuacja z GMO jest podobna do tej ze szczepieniami. Wszystkie niezależne badania pokazują ich wielką toksyczność, a kartele GMO i przekupieni urzędnicy państwowi temu zaprzeczają i narzucają toksyczną żywność całemu społeczeństwu. --------- New from TheSparc 22nd January 2015
This week’s highlights include a case-controlled study conducted in Sri Lanka regarding the rising epidemic of chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CDKu) (Jayasumana et al., 2015). A 2014 study by Jayasumana implicated glyphosate and its chelation of metals present in hard water across regions in Sri Lanka. The new study further links glyphosate to the disease, finding that drinking well water, particularly from abandoned wells where the concentrations of glyphosate and metals were significantly higher, along with being male (who are more likely to be farmers) and spraying glyphosate each increased risk of CDKu by up to 5 fold.
GM mosquitoes have been released in nations including Panama, The Cayman Islands and Brazil to combat dengue fever despite the British company Oxitec not publishing safety studies on the mosquitoes. Now, a new modelling study (Miller et al., 2015) suggests the strategy of wiping out dengue-carrying mosquitos leaves behind an empty niche for another disease-carrying species of mosquito (Asian Tiger mosquito). This species carries dengue as well as the Chikungunya virus that caused its first outbreak in Panama in May 2014, the same month that GM mosquitoes were released.
An Australian study on the monoculture planting of exotic eucalyptus trees is linked to the high die-off of oysters (up to 90 %) (Bleaney et al., 2015). Chemicals as well as extracts from the trees are running off into the sea where they are killing off the aquatic marine life highlighting the wide ranging effects of chemical monoculture farming.
A review of glyphosate toxicity reveals a converging pattern of toxicity from the clinic, farms to lab studies. Teratogenic, carcinogenic, and endocrine effects along with other toxic effects are consistently seen across these fields, making a clear case for banning this chemical completely (Sirinathsinghji, 2015).
A Testbiotech report on the recently published EU GRACE (GMO Risk Assessment and Communication of Evidence) study criticises the work, exposing the links between industry, the scientists as well as the journal Archives in Toxicology where the work was published (Bauer-Panskus et al., 2015). Flaws in the data presentation were also stated in the report, with results indicating health impacts of rats feed MON810 maize despite the publication claiming otherwise.
Find all the above mentioned reports here http://www.thesparc.net/index.php
Or have a look at previous synopses here 2014 and 2015
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